Orbit Fitness And Wellbeing Festival

First Motivational Talk Confirmed for 2023

Orbit Fitness Festival is thrilled to welcome Basim Yafai from Holistic Health Coaching to our line-up of inspirational speakers for the upcoming Orbit Motivational Talk. As a certified Holistic Health Coach and Neuro-Linguistic Practitioner (NLP), Basim’s insights are set to energise and motivate attendees.

Baim’s talk is intended as a mental reboot, an alarm clock for your potential, and a guiding hand on the road to mastering various facets of life. His wisdom extends into managing anxieties, fears, traumas, and overall wellness.

The focus of his discussion will be the four key pillars that contribute to a fulfilling life:

1. Mind
2. Body
3. Soul
4. Heart

Each element accounts for a quarter of our well-being, debunking the commonly held belief that a great mind is the sole factor for a fulfilling life. Basim emphasises the importance of holistic health, with the body, soul, and heart playing an equally crucial role.

Basim’s talk will unravel the interconnectedness of these elements and how to foster their growth. He will share stories and provide guidance on navigating life’s inevitable rollercoaster. Attendees will learn to better understand the inner energies within us, what Buddhists refer to as ‘Samskaras,’ psychological imprints left on the heart.

The journey through Basim’s talk will delve into acceptance, connecting with love, embracing gratitude, and soul-searching. More importantly, it will cultivate self-love and self-understanding, essential tools for personal freedom and happiness. Join us at the Orbit Fitness Festival to discover your path towards a more fulfilled, vibrant, and balanced life.

Don’t miss out – Tier 2 tickets to Orbit Fitness & Wellbeing Festival 2023 are on sale now! Head over to @orbitfitnessfestival NOW or use their website  www.orbitfitnessfestival.co.uk.

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